Why me?

A very warm greetings to the people living in the 21st century, located in India’s capital city, Delhi!

A city which has the VIPs, VVIPs and god knows how many Vs…???

A city of power, where so much security is provided to the “important” that the commons are forgotten!

A city where maybe thousands are employed to provide protection, but still a girl cannot go out of her house without fear!

Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Road just behind my house

My mom was cooking some delicacy and found some ingredients missing, she asked me to bring it from the nearby grocery store. Following her instructions, of course it’s just the evening time and I do not have to travel far, so it seems really simple.

I went out, just on the way back home, mind it it’s a busy road, just behind my house; I have walked that path zillion times!

Two guys on a motorcycle crossed me and threw something on my back, surprised, and a little shocked I looked up and abused them about driving in a proper way! Then my eyes fell on the thing that they threw on me, this bought me more into a state of embarrassment mixed with anger.

It was a packet of condoms!

That very moment I wanted to hold those rascals’ collar and give them a tight slap each, but the only problem- they were gone!

Since people can point out about me being dressed inappropriately, so to clear the doubt, I was wearing a plain kurta and salwar, covering me properly!

This is a very common culture in the life of a girl, incidents of eve teasing happen just every day, in places expected like buses, metro, road and even in the places unexpected!

Some report these and as a result they have to face a bigger amount of trouble in going in and out of the police stations at odd times!

A friend once reported a drunken guy passing lewd comments to her, to the police, our so-called “Women helpline”, to our surprise the attitude of the officers was somewhat like this while registering the complaint- “Madam ko cheed diya hai, gussa ho gai!” (Madam has been teased and she is angry).

Standing there in the police station with my friend, I sensed that an eve-teasing matter holds no relevance to them!
Since we had enough proof, so the police traced the vehicle, for which I appreciate their efforts. But then another issue in hand was the identity disclosure, when a guy can tease a girl in broad day light, he can also create troubles for her if he comes to know her whereabouts. Of course, the big chunks of male ego, “How could a girl complain about me?”

The only way to avoid the identity disclosure was to ask the accused for an apology, in written and we had to except it otherwise the case will go to court and which clearly means inviting trouble!

The only question in my mind while writing this is, why can’t I roam around freely wherever I want, at any time of the day?

What is my crime, that I have to go through such kind of harassment? A man can never understand that feeling of being touched forcefully without your consent, of hearing a lewd comment about yourself, that helplessness when someone is stalking you, that anger when you want to protest but you do not to avoid a bad scene!

Is it my fault being a girl?

Most girls do not even mention these incidents to their family because that will create a stress in the members. (Girls are already a burden in India!)

Why can’t our society grow up and in each case not put the blame of protection of the girl on the girl itself? We can teach our sons to respect women, to behave properly with girls.

Maybe then a girl in can go out of her house with this comfort that she will be safe till the time she is back in her house. Maybe then our society will be just, and safe for all!

Need for communication for communicable diseases

Present situation about various communicable diseases

India needs to work a lot on its health sector. For example in case of HIV/ AIDS, as per HIV estimates 2008-09, there are an estimated 23.9 lakh people living with HIV/AIDS in India with an adult prevalence of 0.31 percent in 2009.

Acc to International Health Regulation, the past few decades have seen the re-emergence of cholera and plague in India.

In 2009 there were reported 0.10 malaria deaths, per 1, 00,000 populations.

This shows the condition of health of Indian people. There are other diseases also which are to be dealt with also. India is going through a period of transition, both epidemiological and demographic transition. Infectious diseases are still persisting as major health problems in spite of having national programmes for the control of most of these diseases for almost half a century now. There are re-emerging infectious diseases which are adding to the burden of diseases. In addition, there is an increasing prevalence of non- communicable diseases as a result of lifestyle changes and urbanization.

Sir Douglas Black said, “Main determinants of health and disease lie outside the realm of direct medical competency”.

Scenario at the time of independence

Before independence, medical and health services in the country were basically managed by the British officers. After independence, in 1947, the entire responsibility fell on the shoulder of Indian medical and health personnel. During British rule, curative and preventive services ran separately. Due to resource and personnel constraints, preventive services were at disadvantage. With the growing influence of specializations in clinical subjects, manpower development for preventive medicine was hampered.

Communication policies in 21st century

Even after 65 years of independence and various acts, laws, policies and regulations, other country still faces the problem of improper health care facilities. Though considerable achievements have been made, the goal of “Health for All by the Year 2000” has yet to be met even though we have crossed the year 2003. Lack of basic health services for the majority of the population, environmental degradation, a total collapse of the health care machinery during any epidemic crisis, and a population, which has already crossed the one billion mark, are all challenges the country is facing after 64 years of planned development. The last two decades have witnessed a gradual but sure decay in the health services of the country. Diseases claimed to be under control like malaria, poliomyelitis, dengue fever and kala azar are resurfacing with renewed vengeance. Gross disparity in health status and availability of health care services exist all over the country.

An acceptable level of health for all people of the world by the year 2000 can be attained through a fuller and better use of the world’s resources, a considerable part of which is now spent on armaments and military conflicts. A genuine policy of independence, peace, détente and disarmament could and should release additional resources that could be devoted to peaceful aims and in particular to the acceleration of social and economic development of which primary health care, as an essential part, should be allotted its proper share.

Important policy about health

The National Health Policy 2002 was formulated with the following objectives to be achieved by the year 2015:

NHP-1983, in a spirit of optimistic empathy for the health needs of the people, particularly the poor and under-privileged, had hoped to provide ‘Health for All by the year 2000 AD’, through the universal provision of comprehensive primary health care services. In retrospect, it is observed that the financial resources and public health administrative capacity which it was possible to marshal, was far short of that necessary to achieve such an ambitious and holistic goal. Against this backdrop, it is felt that it would be appropriate to pitch NHP-2002 at a level consistent with our realistic expectations about financial resources, and about the likely increase in Public Health administrative capacity. The recommendations of NHP-2002 will, therefore, attempt to maximize the broad-based availability of health services to the citizenry of the country on the basis of realistic considerations of capacity. The changed circumstances relating to the health sector of the country since 1983 have generated a situation in which it is now necessary to review the field, and to formulate a new policy framework as the National Health Policy-2002. NHP- 2002 will attempt to set out a new policy framework for the accelerated achievement of Public health goals in the socio-economic circumstances currently prevailing in the country.

It is evident that in spite of the declining mortality and changing morbidity pattern, India still has the “unfinished agenda” of combating the traditional infectious diseases that continue to contribute to a heavy disease burden and take a sizeable toll. Along with these, the country has to deal with the “emerging agenda” which includes chronic and newer diseases induced by the changing age structure, changing lifestyles and environmental pollution. We need to prepare ourselves to face the challenges of widening disparities between sections of the population in terms of access to good health.

The ironical part

The most tragic development is that, such a huge public service broadcasting infrastructure right now is almost redundant and non- functional. “The ministries of the central and state governments engaged in nation building and development tasks seem to create neither any communication apparatus within their own ministries nor do they make demands on the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) for information and communication support adequate to the needs of policy formulation or implementation. The MIB is far from playing the role of a true communicating link within the government and between the government and the people in nation-building activities”.

Why should we communicate?

The oxford dictionary defines communication as, the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. Communication is a very important aspect of the human life, since it is the communication that helps human beings to connect with each other as individuals and as independent groups. Communication is the very basis, which drives the process of development in all the fields. It is owing to the process of communication that we are able to send and receive information. Various mass media are an important communication tool for information dissemination.

Effective communication is a prerequisite for implementing organizational strategies as well as for managing day to day activities through people. “Identification is one of the key ingredients of effective communication. In fact, unless your listeners can identify with what you are saying and with the way you are saying it, they are not likely to receive and understand your message.” The quote above is the underlying factor that explains the importance of communication skills.

Communication is easily overlooked, but the ability to communicate effectively is necessary to carry out the thoughts and visions of an organization to the people. The importance of speech and words whether through a paper or a voice is a communication medium to convey directions and provide synchronization. Without communication, there is no way to express thoughts, ideas and feelings.

Importance of communication

The importance of the role of communication for national development was underscored in India even prior to her independence. The Indian National Congress while formulating policies for National Development for Independent India set up a Sub-committee on Communication under the National Planning Committee to offer recommendations for development of communication for independent India. After independence of the country in 1947, the new Indian government announced a development-oriented agenda of governance dedicated to the amelioration of the economic, educational, and health conditions of the people. With the target of Development Communication, the new government adopted the recommendations of the erstwhile National Planning Committee as the mainstay of its communication policies. “The issue of using modern communication acquired high priority as a developmental resource during the Nehru era when the planners explored the prospects of using radio as a development agent, that is, for information and enlightening the people in the countryside and towns on developmental issue”

On a speech delivered on “freedom of information” on March 5, 1962 Pt J L Nehru said “The mass media which are very useful have an element of danger in them in that they may be distorted for private aim. The rich group (inside) or the rich nation (outside) can flood the country and the world through the mass media with its own view of things which may or may not be correct view.” These words had turned out to be ominously true in the present world.

What needs to be done?

The need of the hour is to provide quality health care at all levels by using methods which are feasible, affordable, acceptable and accessible to all. All national programmes need full-hearted support of the community so as to ensure sustainability and success. There is a need for qualified persons with good governing skills at every level, and all activities should be based according to the needs of the community at large.

Most the issues mentioned above can be resolved to a great extend with proper communication system by the main operating body, i.e., government. Advertisements and various other ways used by the government to improve the conditions. But it is also the case that the communication is done with proper care.

This work like other work of the government is not upto the standards where some changes can be expected. The communication done by the government is not so effective. There have been approx 580 reported cases of influenza from May 2011 to August 2011. This shows what the aim that is to be achieved is far ahead. Here arises the need of a proper communication system with the help of which the common people can be made aware of. This communication has to be such effective that it is easily understandable by all. But the reality paints the actual picture. Various practices like corruption, carelessness, red-tapeisum etc among the highest body does not lead to an effective communication practices in the country.

Government communication is nothing but waste of people’s money and mere forced communications. This research will focus on the effectiveness of the communication done by the government.

India v/s Bharat

“India is a great country. I am proud to be an Indian.”

These lines may convey strong patriotic feelings but ever thought why “Bharat” is not a great country and why we are not proud to be a “Bhartiya”?

Maybe the quest to do it in ‘western style’ had taken a big leap when our constitution was framed. The first sentence of our constitution says- “India that is Bharat”’ which clearly gives importance to the word India (given by the Britishers) rather that the word Bharat (this one is purely original).

Many people also have this misconception that our country did not have any particular name before the invaders arrived here. It is believed that the origin of the word Bharat dates back from the Vedic period, it is derived from the King Bharata from the Puru clan (the same from which originated the Pandavas). A proof of this can be seen in the sacred texts of the Vishnu Puran, Verse (2.3.1)-

“Uttaram yatsamudrasya himadresdrav dakshinam
Varsam tad bharatm nam bharti ytra santith”

This means- The country that lies north of the ocean and south of snowy mountains is called BHARATAM, there dwell the descendants of Bharata.

“Parathe swetha varaha kalpe vaivastha manvanthare
Ashta vimshathi tame kaliyuge
Prathane pathe jumbudwip Bhartha varshe
Bharatha khande meroho…”

This chant expands the meaning of Bharat as a subcontinent which comprises of today’s India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and some parts of Afghanistan, the name suggests the diversity in cultures, languages, styles but yet one entity.

The justification of not using the word Bharat is given on the basis of its current geographical location, stressing upon the fact that Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal and Bangladesh are no more a part of India.

The origins of the word India is from Greek via Latin, literally meaning- region beyond the river Indus. Which is the last time I checked is currently Pakistan!

When the geographical correctness of the word India can be neglected, then why same can’t be done for the word Bharat? Even after knowing that the meaning of Bharat still describes our country’s diversity in culture. Or are we sticking to India just because it was given by Britishers?

I think it’s time we realize our individuality and dismiss the concept- “west is best”!

Things to do before 2012’s sun rises

There are always some things that one wishes to complete, but somehow that work just misses the deadline. And to tell you the truth, once that deadline is not met, that work just stays on its destiny to be completed!

So people, when the thought occurred to me that – “Oh Shit! The year’s ending!!”

I decided that before the sun of 2012 rises, I really need to finish certain works, or say just do what I wanted to do, for so long!

  • Check for pending work– Was there any task that was assigned, which could not be completed, just because of your lack of time or rather lack of interest. If yes, just for the sake of clearing the clutter, finish it off! Simply take it away from eyes. Make space for fresh assignment. Start with your professional work and move to personal work.
  • Tell the truth– Was there something which is now on your heart like a big weight, then please get rid of it! I know I might sound very impractical or more so philosophical. But really, some way or the other, truth always finds its way! It will hurt in the beginning, gradually everything will be fine. A lie can give you happiness, but it will not be forever! Truth can give you peace.
  • Forgive– Its OK to be angry, its human nature! But be sure that your anger does not start effecting your relations. Always remember, “forgiveness is not for others, but for your own self”.
  • Move on– William Shakespeare once said, “Remember the past, only if it gives you pleasure”. Holding on to the past is not a bad thing but at the same time you must not forget that you need to live in present and look to the future. Our present actions, determine our future.
  • Don’t make false promises– With the new year approaching, sometimes we overdo the new year resolutions! Please avoid that, rather stick to the practical part of it. Make new year resolutions, don’t make ways to torture yourself or make yourself feel guilty later (for not sticking, to your resolutions)!
  • Do what you wanted to do– I can understand that there was no time, to do a certain work, but why not  do it now! For eg- I have been avoiding a dentist trip for so long, and now I am going to make that happen! You wanted to go on a trip, plan that, make it happen. Life is too short to regret it! Live the moment!
  • Value your dear ones– you lost contact with your friends, try and contact them! Just remember the good times you spent with them. Value the people in your life. Because for some, you are the reason, they are happy! Make efforts to make them smile. Let them know, you love them!
  • Value yourself– Its high time, take some time out for yourself. Make a trip to the salon, pamper yourself! Do something for that lost inner peace. Stroke that ego of yours, its not bad occasionally ;).
  • Spread happiness– There are many reasons to be unhappy, but there are reasons in abundance to stay happy! It just requires a little effort to stay happy.
  • Be Positive– There is so much negativity around, search for the positive side! Every coin has two sides. Everything happens for good! Look out for the good things in life.

Life is too short live it! Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can’t change. Kiss slowly, play hard, forgive quickly, take chances, give everything and have no regrets.

May you have a wonderful New Year 2012.
Best Wishes from my side.

May you LIVE, all days of your life!


A place for your soul: Indian Coffee House

Life needs not to be on an accelerator always!

Sometimes living life slowly is good. Its gives you time to think.

In this preoccupied and busy life, I made a stop at Indian Coffee House, second floor, at Baba Kharag Singh Marg, Connaught Place, Delhi.

There is something about this place. Different and very calm air blows here. There is a little easiness and comfort always here.

Lately, I have started coming here very often. The regular people and waiters know me now!

It does not have an extended or fancy menu and the food is not very much to the standards of many fast food chains available. But you can any day – any time stop here for little snacks and coffee.

The best thing here is that you can sit here as long as you wish. No one bothers or disturbs!

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An amazing contrasting view can be witnessed here. Right in front of me is a bid peepal tree. On my left is a combination of some old and new buildings. The cool breeze also brings the honking of car horns below.

Waiters here are very hardworking and generous. They greet you with warmth and right now I can also see one of them offering leftover Biriyani to birds.

On most days you can find monkeys playing on the peepal tree and squirrels running around the open space!

Like I said, there is something about this place which accepts everyone. I can see a group of aged people on a table, laughing and cracking jokes; a group of office goers discussing some project; some young college students probably discussing their ‘fest’.

There may be no fancy menu, decorative table or chairs, but this place is surely a place to be! This is a place for finding some peace for your soul in this busy city!

At 64, India needs to grow up!

On 15th August 15, 2011, Indian independence turned 64. Centuries ago, some people took it as their duty to free their motherland from the clutches of Britishers. It’s due to their sacrifice that I am today living in a free country and can say, “I am proud to be Indian”.

But sadly when I see the current scenario in which India is today, the only thing I feel is that- India needs to grow up!

There are certain things which the people need to understand and create a space for change.

Today when some people stand up against corruption, the government in turn accuses them to be corrupt. Rather they should see to what the people want and what is best for the nation, government is trying to make focus shift to irrelevant things!

The government now wants to monitor Facebook and Twitter in the name of national interest. I thought I was living in a democracy had the freedom of expression as my right!

A film is banned because the state feels it will poke certain delicate issues. How can anyone have any issues with the movie when the Censor Board passed it with U/A certificate (Universal/Adult). The Central Board of Film Certification is a government of India regulatory body.

Certain words in a song become objectionable and ministers’ depositing millions and billions of money in their Swiss bank accounts is not any matter to be looked into!

India needs to broaden their horizons and learn to accept the change.

We really need to retrospect and see if we really are free? What should we do so that the phrase, “I am proud to be an Indian” maintains its pride!

Towards a better India

Climate Change- The future is grim

I wrote this for ‘Climate Change Champions’ contest organized by British Council in 2008. This was my first attempt at writing. My entry was in semi-final among entries from all over India.

Can you imagine, polar bears roaming in the rainforests, carcasses of camels floating in the oceans where we see deserts now, huge glaciers wiped out of the world’s map and all the rivers flooding the plains, causing the dams to collapse and turning residential colonies into huge lakes, this is not a prophesy, this is how our world seems to me after a few decades, if the climate changes that are occurring right now are not dealt with urgency.

Climate change, going by the definition, is the variation in the earth’s global climate or in regional climates over time. It involves changes in the variability or average state of the atmosphere over durations ranging from decades to millions of years. These changes can be caused by dynamic process on Earth, external forces including variations in sunlight intensity, and more recently by human activity.

Earth is on fire!

In our solar system, Earth is the only planet supporting life; our Earth has an atmosphere of proper depth and chemical composition. About 30% of incoming energy from the sun is reflected back to the space while the rest reaches the Earth, warming the air, oceans and land, and maintaining an average surface temperature of about 15° C. the Earth’s climate is dynamic and always changing through a natural cycle when the above mentioned changes speed up, they are studied by the scientists, who find evidences from tree rings, pollen samples, ice cores and sea sediments.

In recent years, most dynamic change has been in the temperature, with measurement records suggesting that warming by 0.3 – 0.6°C has already taken place since the 1860s. The last two decades were the warmest in this period.

Moving on the Climate change effects, the effects of global warming or climate change are difficult to quantify because of the complicated relationships between air, temperature, precipitation quality and pattern, vegetative cover and soil moisture. But still several effects of global warming are steady sea level rise, increased cyclonic activity etc. Ongoing sea levels have submerged low-lying islands in the Sundarbans, displacing thousands of people. Temperature rises on the Tibetan Plateau, which is causing Himalayan glaciers to retreat, may reduce the flow rate of Ganges, Brahmaputra, Yamuna and other major rivers; hundreds of thousands of farmers depend on these rivers. According to a 2007, WWW (World Wide Fund) for Nature report, the Indus River may run dry for the same reason.

It is a hot issue!

The causes of climate change can be divided into two categories Natural and Human. Natural causes include ocean currents, volcanoes, continental drift which changes physical features of mass, and the Earth’s tilt. All these above mentioned are involuntary and we have no control over them.

Human causes include, green house gases, carbon dioxide is undoubtedly, the most important, green house gas in the atmosphere. Changes in land use pattern, deforestation, land clearing, agriculture and other activities have also led to a rise in the emission of carbon dioxide. Methane is emitted from landfills and other waste dumps, also from process of oil drilling, coal mining, leaking gas and pipelines. A large amount of nitrous oxide emissions have been attributed to fertilizer application. Cement manufacturing is the third largest cause of man- made carbon dioxide emissions. Livestock contributes to 18% of the Carbon levels and about one-fourth of all the methane emissions in the world.

Fossil fuels, human consumption of fossil fuels has elevated Carbon dioxide levels from a concentration of 280 ppm to more than 380 ppm today.

Population and pollution has increased to an incredible extent. Industrial revolution in 19th century, industries created jobs and over the years, people moved from rural areas to the cities. More and more land cleared, natural resources being extensively used and consumerism (our increasing want for material things) has increased by leaps and bounds, creating mountains of waste.


Transportation is our basic need now-a-days; burning lot of fossil fuel has emerged as a major source of change in climate.

Practicing deforestation for clearing areas for our housing comforts; doing paper work like in offices and by students; construction; making furniture; all use up our fossil fuels.

All our gadgets run on electricity, generated mainly from thermal power plants, which in turn burn fossils.

Here on this problem, scientists have many suggestions and many steps have been taken but there is an invisible effect on the whole burning issue. The need of the hour is awareness. Ironically, in the name of spreading awareness many political leaders from different countries are just ‘showing’ interest, what they do is sit in airplanes and reach at the new destination of their meeting, for example the conference that held in Bali, Indonesia in December 2007, no major decision was taken but still they were discussing,
What? – Only God Knows!

India has got brain power, man power and we have natural resources like sun, wind and water. Developing countries cannot shy away from their duty towards environment by saying that developed nations have contributed more to aggravate this problem. We are a fast developing nation and need to spend, money, manpower and other resources to curb this problem.

Join hands

What India can do, is far beyond the reach of western countries. We receive the blessings of the ultimate source of energy in our solar system, round the year.

You can do your bit

The use of solar energy has been minimal till now because we always look towards the west for technology. It is foolish on our part to expect them to develop solar technology when they get the benefit of sun-god for few days in the year. We should our own ways of using solar energy for generating electricity, running transport vehicles, lighting our homes. Thus, reducing the burden on fossil fuel and electricity. This big leap towards environment protection, can take place with this switch. Similarly, wind energy and water energy are two major resources whose benefits are yet to be tapped.

Awareness about these issues in general public can help reduce level for emissions by promoting people to pool cars and use public transportation and using non polluting vehicles for short distance, instead of using their individual vehicles.

What I emphasis most is the need of a political and social determination to work together to curb this problem.

opt for a bicycle for shorter distances

Government has made some half-hearted efforts in this field for the use and development of alternate energy but as pathetically as they are being run (as I have seen personally); they are not yielding any result.

Also the point to note here is the funding. There is no dearth of funds, for these projects aiming at climate change, sustainable development and global warming. Their main emphasis is on spending the fund rather than doing something fruitful out of it. Estimated cost of fighting climate change in India is 2% of GDP, according to UNESCO’s 2007 report.

The need of the hour is that we all now get up and start the fight for everyone’s right, of a better world to live in.


P.S.- Some facts might appear outdated, that is because it was written in 2008.

Why Generation Gap?

Usual tiff between the parents and children are generally blamed on the presence of generation gap.

Generation gap as Wikipedia says,” refers to differences between people of a younger generation and their elders, especially between a child and their parent‘s generation.”

But I wondered on the question – “why a generation gap?”

Here is what I observed.

Younger people are more enthusiastic and hot-blooded, older generation on the other hand is well experienced. The older generations loves the younger ones and tend to stop from the mistakes that maybe they had made once. This is however not very much appreciated by the younger people!

Every generation of parent thinks, “I will not let ‘that’ thing happen with my child.” Think about it, you also might have thought about it at some point of life.

But infact this ‘that’ is just the things which the newly parent was not exposed to or was not permitted.

The thing that we forget here is that with every generation, the level of advancement doubles itself.

For example, while my mother was not allowed to cut her hairs short or attend some dance classes, I had easy access to these ‘facilities’ which became common by the time I was born!

Today’s parent cannot understand that why the guys on their teenage daughter’s Facebook profile, who commented like- hot, looking sexy, dear etc are just normal friends and there is no romance booming up!

These word have become very common today due to gradual use by their parents itself (at their young age)!

Anytime a generation gap can be reduced with little efforts by both sides. Communication and small adjustments can any day contribute to peace between families!

But as the generation changes a gap will always remain!

Lyrics mein twist

Gone are the days when the references in the songs were moon, sun, silk, flowers etc etc, natural things.

Refer to these-

Chudhvi ka chaand ho… (Listen full)

Chand mera dil, chandani ho tum… (Listen full)

Suraj hua madham… (Listen full)

There used to be a beautiful rhythm in these, but times have definitely changed.

With the latest emerging trends, the newest symbols are- Sheila and Munni.

Salman Khan’s latest flick ‘Ready’ saw the use of these “new symbols” in his song- Character dheela.

“…Fark padta hai kya baahon mein
Munni hai ya sheela hai
Ishak ke namm pe karte
sabhi ab raas leela hai…”

Also the upcoming movie- ‘Bin Bulaye Baraati’, will see Mallika Sherawat shaking a leg on a song, claiming her being better than our beloved ‘Sheila ‘ and ‘Munni’!

“…Munni bhi mani aur Sheela bhi maani
Shalu ke thumke ki duniya deewani…”

If this trend continues to be prevailing, your ears might have to bear torture like this-

Sheila ki jawani ki kasam, mein tujhse pyar karta hun,

Munni ki badnaami ki kasam, mein tumpe maarta hun… (This one sounds really bad right? Guess what, I know! ;))

What a stupid person I am?

What a fool I am?

Sometimes I act so stupid, that afterward I feel like redoing it, all over again…

I guess the same must have happen with you as well, at some point of life!

The Repenting Afterwards

After a particular incident, when you think about it. Various actions cross your mind and you say, “I should have said that or done that… “And so on our mind produces many post action thoughts.

You regret it even more if that particular situation cannot be repeated again.

You feel sad, angry over what you said and curse yourself for not handling the situation well.

It’s true that, ‘that’ particular time will not come back. But what positive you can think about it is that you learn a lesson.

As the famous quote goes, “History repeats itself“, and who knows you are in the same situation again. Put those ‘post action thoughts’ at use during that time. After all, practice makes one perfect. And doing dumb things has never caused any harm.

Life is the process of moving on and constant change.

In the end I would say, “I am proud to be myself, and everybody should be. No matter how dumb one behaves at times”